Do you want a flatter stomach, thinner waist, and a body cleaned from fats? Then you have come to the right place. Today we are presenting to you a recipe for a salad which is only eaten for 3 days, always in a row, but which will be miraculous for your stomach – internally and externally.
The key is that this vitamin bomb will cleanse your body from fats, layers and all kinds of “waste” from your intestines. Therefore, the bloating will reduce, the stomach acids will start functioning normally, and you will look thinner in only 3 days.


  • Cabbage
  • Beetroot
  • Carrot
  • Lemon juice
  • Olive oil


Grate the cabbage, beetroot, and carrot at a ratio of 3:1:1. Add something extra if you would like (celery, spring onion) and mix the vegetables. Strain the excess water from them before adding the lemon juice. In the end, add a few drops of olive oil and your vitamin meal is ready.
It is really important that you do not add salt or any other similar seasonings to the salad.
Eat this salad at least 3 hours before sleeping, for at least 3 days and you will immediately notice the results.
This salad will revive your body because of the ingredients which contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and pectin. All these will protect you, give you energy, improve your digestion and regulate the issues with intestines and digestion.
If you like this salad you can continue consuming it in the following days. However, make sure that you do a break after the seventh day. Nonetheless, this recipe is the secret for a flat and nicely-shaped stomach that a lot of models have.
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